Billy Crystal

Here are three interesting look-alikes.  Keep in mind, though, that these pictures were taken at different ages.

“Crazy Eddie” Antar owned a chain of electronics stores in the 1970s and 80s.  Even though business was good and his stores were popular (largely due to his eccentric advertising), he was a crook and eventually got caught.  Wikipedia says this about the case:

Crazy Eddie became a known symbol for corporate fraud in its time, but has since been eclipsed by the Enron, Worldcom, and Bernie Madoff accounting scandals.

The few pictures of Eddie Antar that are available online are not very good.  To see a better image of his face, open another window, go to, and stop the video at about the 9:33 mark.  It’s a very annoying interview, so you might want to turn off the sound.

Senator Paul Wellstone, who died in an airplane crash in 2002.  His senate seat was won in 2008 by actor/comedian and former SNL regular Al Franken

Billy Crystal, actor/comedian and former SNL regular.

Here are pictures showing Paul Wellstone’s and Billy Crystal’s profiles and right ears.  (The best image of Eddie Antar’s ear is at the video frame referenced above.)

Here are a few more pictures for comparison.

Crazy Eddie Antar

Billy Crystal


Paul Wellstone


Disclaimer:  The photographs herein are presented for purposes of observation, comparison, analysis, discussion, and education, as well as to advance awareness of civic, moral, religious, and social justice issues.  No profit accrues therefrom.  This constitutes “fair use” under 17 USC Sec. 107.


Salman Rushdie, you may remember, is an author from India who had to go into hiding for about ten years after Iran’s religious leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, issued a fatwah (death sentence) against him in 1989 for writing a blasphemous book called The Satanic Verses.  The Iranian government lifted the fatwah in 1998.  Since then publishers have reportedly been shying away from publishing some of his books because they are afraid that the Muslims will go nuts and start attacking people and blowing up stuff.

I was looking a pictures of the Salman Rushdie because I thought he looked like the BTK serial killer, Dennis Rader.  Well, he doesn’t.  However, I found this picture and just about fell off my chair.

This is Salman Rushdie, and he is pictured with his 14-year-old son, Milan, in an article dated 2/27/2011.  No measurements, overlays, or ear comparisons are needed.  That handsome boy looks like Brett Greenberg.  Here are just two of the many pictures of Brett from the Greenberg family photo albums that were published online.

Left:  Bret with his cousin, Samantha, whose pictures (as Ed Chiarini has so convincingly demonstrated) were presented to us as the murdered “Christina Taylor Green” in the Gabrielle Gifford mass shooting hoax. Right:  Brett, now grown much taller, with his father, Leo Greenberg.

Ed Chiarini’s analysis has shown that Brett’s father, Leo Greenberg, has played a number of roles in fake news events, including, Benjamin Fulford (the Ninja Illuminati guy), David Berkowitz (the Son of Sam killer), Tim Carter (one of the survivors of the Jonestown Massacre), a survivor of an attack by Richard Ramirez (“The Night Stalker”), and Tony Alamo (leader of a “Christian” cult and convicted child molester).

Here is a copy of a poster Ed Chiarini made showing Brett at the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations in New York last September.

Wow.  Just before clicking “publish” on this post, I visited Ed Chiarini’s Facebook page.  He has just identified comedian Richard Belzer as also playing the role of Progressive radio host Steven Lendman.  Here are their pictures (Belzer on the left, and Lendman on the right):

  My Photo

Ed shows a Youtube video of Steven Lendman reciting the Official Osama Bin Laden Conspiracy Theory on Russia Today, which — again, as Ed has so convincingly demonstrated — seems to be a Greenberg owned and operated enterprise.  (Ooops.  Make that “Greenberg operated.”  There is no information concerning ownership that I can find.)

I had to look up Richard Belzer to find out who he is and instantly found this Youtube video, which must have been made during the presidency of Bush the First.

In it, at about the 2:45 mark, he starts talking about Salman Rushdie.  What a coincidence.  It almost seems as if they are all members of the same family cross-promoting each other over the years.

Even when I’m not looking for connections, they just seem to materialize.

Disclaimer:  The photographs herein are presented for purposes of observation, comparison, analysis, discussion, and education, as well as to advance awareness of civic, moral, religious, and social justice issues.  No profit accrues therefrom.  This constitutes “fair use” under 17 USC Sec. 107.

Her Name is Ann

Here’s a picture of Ann Schwartz.  (From her Facebook page)

Profile Picture

It has been deduced that her husband is a Greenberg.  They are pictured here at Riley Harmon’s bat mitzvah in 2007.  (See for more on the significance of this family.)

Thanks to Alex ( for this discovery.

Also, below are two pictures of Randy Zuckerberg.  She looks just like Ann Schwartz.


According to Wikipedia, Randy Zuckerberg is an American internet entrepreneur, the former marketing director of Facebook, and older sister of the company’s co-founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg.

If you have been following Ed Chiarini’s work, you will be aware of the overwhelmingly convincing evidence showing that “Mark Zuckerberg” is an alias used by Jacob Michael (Jake) Greenberg, a young man who plays the role of Facebook’s CEO.  Below is a picture of Jake taken in 2007, with his mother, father, and brother.

And here, below, is Jake’s mugshot from his arrest on February 17, 2012, alongside a photo of “Mark Zuckerberg.”


If “Mark Zuckerberg” is a fictitious character, it stands to reason that “Randy Zuckerberg” is, too.

Besides looking exactly like Randy Zuckerberg, Ann also looks exactly like the women in the following pictures.


Above:  (1) Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO; and (2) Tucson police detective Cindy Butierez; (3) Roxanna Green; and (4) Detective Butierez again   

Above:  (1) Roxanna Green and daughter, Christina Taylor Green; (2) RoseMarie Terenzio; (3) Georgina Kelly and daughter Rebecca Black


Above:  Sara Weaver Balter; Vicki Weaver and baby; and Andrea Mackris


Above:  (1) Megan and Jeff Rense; and (2) her own self with Robert De Niro 

Alex, the Celtic Rebel, who has a radio show on every Sunday-Monday night, has released a poster below identifying Ann Schwartz…

Profile Picture

…as playing the role of “Teri Buhl.”

Teri Buhl is a financial reporter who writes a blog and sometimes appears on The Keiser Report on Russia Today.

You can see a better image of the poster below on the Alex’s blog,

Teri Buhl is is having some legal difficulties in New Canaan, CT, which have been covered in an online local “newspaper”  This newspaper (so to speak, i.e., it isn’t made of paper) is part of, which says this about itself:

We’re a community-specific news and information platform dedicated to providing comprehensive and trusted local coverage for individual towns and communities.

Basically, it works like a kind of centrally-managed Facebook for small-town news.  A main office in NYC hires agents, er, I mean reporters, in a nationwide small-town news network.  If you are conspiracy minded, you might view this as an e-intelligence operation targeting small communities.  Actually, if you look at things that way, its function dovetails perfectly with Facebook, which can theoretically be used for both the collection and the controlled dissemination of information/disinformation at the personal level. is owned by AOL.

I don’t know whether the same people are involved in both enterprises.  However, it might be something worth thinking about.

Now, as mentioned before, Teri Buhl has some legal woes to deal with.  (see

Teri Buhl and her lawyer, Christopher Caldwell, in court.  The photo appears to have been taken from the point of view of the bailiff or the prosecutor.  Are news photographers usually allowed in the front of the court?  Actually, I thought photography wasn’t allowed at all.

An article in (an online Hearst owned publication for which Teri Buhl used to write) dated May 3, 2012, reports:

Buhl, 39, of New Canaan, was charged in November 2010 with second-degree harassment, second-degree breach of peace and interfering with a police investigation after New Canaan police said she posted on Facebook parts of the 17-year-old’s journal detailing sexual activity at a drinking party.

As the STORY goes, the 17-year-old girl was the daughter of Buhl’s boyfriend.

Assuming this drama is actually true, it’s unusual that (a) Buhl hasn’t settled the matter quietly ($$$) with the family and let the whole thing fade away, or (b) accepted the state’s offer of Accelerated Rehabilitation, which I think means two years of probation and then having the matter wiped from her record.  Instead, Buhl is actually going to have a jury trial in September, and in the process she is churning up as much publicity and controversy as possible in her blog.

It looks like the jury will have to decide whether  (1) a nosy, bitchy, jealous girlfriend tried to make life difficult for her boyfriend’s daughter by publishing embarrassing personal documents on the internet, or (2) an independent, courageous journalist was single-handedly waging a crusade against teenage drinking and sexual misbehavior in an upscale suburban townand defending a journalists moral duty to not reveal her sources.

However, I’m inclined to think this DRAMA is just a story invented to get people riled up.  What really matters is WHY they’re doing this — what changes they hope to make in the law or in the attitudes of the peasantry.

I read somewhere (can’t remember where) that Buhl’s lawyer is going to make this into a free speech issue by likening what she did to the case where some weird church in Kansas was sued for picketing soldiers’ funerals with signs saying “God hates fags.”  The Supreme Court ruled that those bizarre demonstrations were constitutionally protected free speech.  Perhaps this is a way of psychologically linking the public’s deepest feelings of patriotism and reverence with a hatred of homophobes.  Making that issue part of this case would keep awareness of those religious homophobes alive and current in people’s minds.

It kind of syncs, too, with the Tyler Clementi case, where intimate, private matters were published by some busybody in the electronic media.  Of course, since the girl in question is presumably heterosexual, and even though the actual crime was the same, it won’t outrage anyone because it’s not a “bias crime.”

Of course, it could just lead to more frequent enforcement of the Connecticut law against allowing “children” less than 21 years old to drink.  More $fines and $fees and $prisoners for the enforcement-judicial-prison complex!

Time will tell.

Update:  The trial did not go forward in September.  The next court date is scheduled for January 28, 2013.

Disclaimer:  The photographs herein are presented for purposes of observation, comparison, analysis, discussion, and education, as well as to advance awareness of civic, moral, religious, and social justice issues.  No profit accrues therefrom.  This constitutes “fair use” under 17 USC Sec. 107.

More on the Seals, the Jackass and Adam

In a previous post (The Seal, the Jackass, and Adam), I showed three look-alikes:

Chris Pontius, actor on the TV show Jackass

Chris Kyle, a Navy Seal sniper who wrote a book 

Adam Weise, killed in the Deepwater Horizon explosion

Below is another look-alike:  Brian Bill, one of the members of Seal Team Six who was killed in Afghanistan last year.


If our perception of the world is controlled by a small group of inter-related families, whose members are born and bred to the acting profession and who present us with a false reality — fake news events, fake government, fake and real wars, fake casus belli, fake heroes and villains, a fake financial system, fake religious leaders, fake disasters and crises — then someone who looks just like the four people pictured above should be found in the Greenberg-Strong-etc. family photo albums.

You would expect to find something like this:

Disclaimer:  The photographs herein are presented for purposes of observation, comparison, analysis, discussion, and education, as well as to advance awareness of civic, moral, religious, and social justice issues.  No profit accrues therefrom.  This constitutes “fair use” under 17 USC Sec. 107.


Here is a picture of John Ramsey (father of JonBenet Ramsey) and one of Bill O’Reilly.

Disclaimer:  The photographs herein are presented for purposes of observation, comparison, analysis, discussion, and education, as well as to advance awareness of civic, moral, religious, and social justice issues.  No profit accrues therefrom.  This constitutes “fair use” under 17 USC Sec. 107.

Pat Tillman

Here are pictures of Pat Tillman, Matthew McConaughey, and Michael Monsoor.  You be the judge.

ADDENDUM June 26, 2012:  Here are pictures of Michael Monsoor’s and Matthew McConaughey’s right ears.  They appear identical to me.

Disclaimer:  The photographs herein are presented for purposes of observation, comparison, analysis, discussion, and education, as well as to advance awareness of civic, moral, religious, and social justice issues.  No profit accrues therefrom.  This constitutes “fair use” under 17 USC Sec. 107.


Even though no one was complaining about these posts, I have revised them somewhat. Specifically, I have —

  • acknowledged one case of mistaken co-identity (Alec Baldwin);
  • altered any words that might give anyone the mistaken impression that I had any malicious intentions;
  • reconstructed sentences  and paragraphs to separate my opinions from actual facts in order to prevent confusion.

I believe I’ve done a decent job.  If anyone thinks I’m mistaken, untruthful, or unfair, I will make every effort to satisfy his/her concerns.

Megan’s Law

All the big serial killer stories and child abduction-rape-murder stories are fake. These stories are made up so that we are kept in a state of fear, looking to well-paid experts and authorities to protect us, and to inspire support for new laws.  Because genuine evil-doers are not quite evil enough to shock our sensibilities to a degree that would inspire support for these laws, the Powers That Be must invent super criminals and hire actors to outrage us sufficiently.  Scripted dramas are enacted and presented to us real events.  They use the same skills, equipment, and techniques that are used to produce the stories we view as entertainment.  The only difference is that we are told that these stories are real.  Once the public reacts in the expected manner, policies, laws, and expenditures can be made which would otherwise have been opposed.

As a result of the supposed abduction, rape, and murder of seven-year-old Megan Kanka in 1994, many states passed Megan’s Laws, which require states to track and record the residences of sex offenders who have served out their sentences and to notify neighbors of their presence in their communities.  As with all other tracking and tracing laws, the idea is to start out with the most heinous offenses and gradually expand the program to lesser offenses.  It effectively creates an expanded prison system/industry outside of the prison walls.

The picture on the left is  Jesse Timmendequas, Megan’s supposed rapist.  On the right is his look-alike,  actor David Thewlis.

Disclaimer:  The photographs herein are presented for purposes of observation, comparison, analysis, discussion, and education, as well as to advance awareness of civic, moral, religious, and social justice issues.  No profit accrues therefrom.  This constitutes “fair use” under 17 USC Sec. 107.

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg

Here is a picture of Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Facebook.

As discussed in previous posts, my hypothesis is that this woman is an actress who portrays several other characters in news stories.

ADDENDUM:  I wasn’t even looking for any more pictures of this woman.  I was looking for a picture of “Jeff Rense” and it looks like I found the same woman again — this time playing an orphaned,  self-made, super-genius physicist from an impoverished, abusive, alcoholic family who put herself through college and grad school, and took up with this guy she thought was Mr. Amazing but was psychologically abused by him and left alone and in poverty because he has narcissistic personality disorder and is the meanest man she has ever known.  Who writes this stuff?  Really!  Does this picture look credible to you?

ADDENDUM #2:  …and isn’t this her again at Riley Harmon’s bat mitzvah in 2007?  She is a member of the Greenberg-Blumberg-Feldman-Kaplan-Harmon-Wales-Strong-Rockefeller, etc. extended family.  (See for more on the significance of this family.)

Oh, and who’s her date?  Could it possibly be Robert “Wag the Dog” De Niro?

Disclaimer:  The photographs herein are presented for purposes of observation, comparison, analysis, discussion, and education, as well as to advance awareness of civic, moral, religious, and social justice issues.  No profit accrues therefrom.  This constitutes “fair use” under 17 USC Sec. 107.

Say It Aint So, Freeman

To reiterate my basic hypothesis, public policies are shaped and steered by means of fake, scripted dramas that are presented to us as News.  We are shown STORIES with sympathetic victims and hateful criminals, and we are thus moved to acquiesce to pre-planned changes in our laws, social structures, and values.

Below is a picture of Mark Lunsford.  As the STORY goes, his nine-year-old daughter Jessica’s abduction, rape, and murder in Homossasa, Florida, in 2005 inspired 42 states (so far) to adopt harsh mandatory sentencing laws against sex offenders.  The laws are generally known as “Jessica’s Laws.” This picture was taken at a press conference concerning the passage of Jessica’s Law in the state of New Jersey.

With him is New Jersey State Senator Diane Allen.  She looks just like  Judy Shepard, mother of brutalized and murdered gay college student Matthew Shepard.  (See my earlier post Matthew Shepard Revisited.)  The supposed death of Matthew Shepard  led to the passage of many “Hate Crime Laws.

Diane Allen is also a big proponent of “Anti-Bullying Laws,”  especially after Tyler Clementi, a gay student at Rutgers University supposedly killed himself by jumping off the George Washington Bridge after his college roommate secretly taped him kissing a man.

Here is the picture of Diane Allen with Mark Lunsford.

Here are pictures of Mark Lunsford showing his left ear and right ear.

The well-known videographer, radio host, and esotericist, Freeman, looks just like him.  I hope Freeman isn’t involved in these projects because his radio show is very entertaining, and he has such a charming personality.

You may want to do a comparison of Freeman’s ears with Mark Lunsford’s ears.  It’s a tricky comparison, because it is hard to find good photos to work with.  The picture of Freeman (below) is the best image I could find of his right ear.

To see Freeman’s left ear, see the youtube video The San Francisco Esoteric Adventure with Freeman HD at about the 4:32 mark.  (

Sorry for the inconvenience, but I don’t have the software to capture an image from a video.

Lastly, let’s to go back to New Jersey State Senator Diane Allen’s anti-bullying law and the gay Rutgers student who supposedly killed himself Tyler Clementi…

…looks just like the brother on the left, wearing glasses, in the snapshot below, which was taken at Riley Harmon’s bat mitzvah in 2007 (See for the significance of that party and this family.)

Two of the objectives of these fake News Dramas are: 

(1) to inspire sympathy for a fictitious victim so that The Peasantry (that’s you) will acquiesce to the passage of new, otherwise objectionable laws against Thought Crime.  It is no longer wrong simply to murder or abuse someone or to violate their privacy.  The culprit’s motivation is now at least as important as the actual crime of murder, battery, assault, or voyeurism; and

(2) to ensure longer prison sentences for crimes.  They are starting with the most heinous stories, but the effect will be to increase sentences for more and more varieties of lesser criminal offenses.  The prison business is a Big Business, run for profit, and it needs more criminals serving longer sentences to earn bigger profits.

Note:  I sent an email to Freeman last Monday (April 16, 2012) and asked whether he had played the part of Mark Lunsford, but I haven’t heard back from him yet.  If he denies that he is Mark Lunsford, I will note it in this post.

ADDENDUM: For convenience’s sake, here are the pictures of Judy Shepard, actress Kathy Kinny (as “Mimi Bobeck”), and Diane Allen from a previous post entitled Matthew Shepard Revisited.


ADDENDUM #2:  The trial of Dharun Ravi (Tyler Clementi’s roommate) concluded on May 21, 2012.  He was sentenced by Superior Court Judge Glenn Berman to 30 days in jail, three years of probation, 300 hours of community service, and has to donate $10,000 to a “bias crime” charity.  “Bias crime” means that the attitude of a defendant towards a legally-recognized, special category of victim is more important than the actual crime. The drama will now proceed to Act II, The Appeal, because the prosecutor believes the Judge did not adhere to the mandatory sentencing laws for hate crime.

Disclaimer:  The photographs herein are presented for purposes of observation, comparison, analysis, discussion, and education, as well as to advance awareness of civic, moral, religious, and social justice issues.  No profit accrues therefrom.  This constitutes “fair use” under 17 USC Sec. 107.